Thursday, July 4, 2019

The Fourth of July -draft 1

I think I caught up on the controversy.
It seems that C.K. privately objected to the release of the "Betsy Ross" sneakers because the flag is currently being used by at least one White Supremacist group (Evropa) as a symbol of White Supremacy. In the past, there was a very famous image of the Klan that included that flag. CK felt the sneaker going to add fuel to their fire. And, Nike pulled the sneaker based on those concerns.  Yep?

These are my (unsolicited) thoughts:

*-It is troubling that White Supremacy groups are trying to appropriate that flag.  (It is actually loathesome.)
*-HOWEVER... both the Anti-Defamation League and "Hate Watch" have said the flag is not widely recognized as a symbol of White Supremacy.  The Southern Poverty Law Center was a little less adamant about that, pointing out the historical use of the Klan, but still stopped short of affirming it as a symbol of White Supremacy.
*-Speaking for myself...I, personally, see no reason to hand that flag over to White Supremacists for their use. (...and I suspect that this choice, along with the resulting furor may actually do just that.)
*-That being said, I also have to say that CK is well within his right to object, and Nike certainly has the right to choose to produce (or not) and sell (or not) anything they want. (Freedom of Speech, and Capitalism. It's the American Way, right?)

On a totally separate note, there is a related, more fundamental, issue which occurs to me...

I had never thought of this before I was trying to mentally process this issue, and think why this flag could be offensive, and why White Supremacists groups would use it as their symbol.
And I had some pretty upsetting thoughts:

For me, I was infuriated that something which, for many of us,   stands as a symbol of Freedom, Equality, and the Rights of Man has been touched (and sullied) by White Supremacy groups. 

And, then I realized... that while this has always looked like a symbol of Freedom, Equality, and the Rights of Man; a rejection of the "Yoke of Tyranny"; a declaration of Independence and Self-determination.  That is how it looked to me (to most of us, right?)... But... in fact, at the time, it did *NOT* stand for everyone's rights at all. 

And, I can see that could still be very hurtful to some people. Native Americans and Black Americans, and maybe some others...  who might look at it and think: Under that flag, they actually would have been worse off than they are under today's flag.  That they, simply on the basis of their (God-Created) nature, would have been totally excluded. Not Free. Not Equal. Not "Endowed by their Creator with certain Inalienable Rights." That flag would then, affirm the Yoke of Tyranny for them.  Under that flag, they continued to be denied their Right to Self-determination. 
And, I now I can understand how the "Betsy Ross" flag could feel different for them.

Of course, women were excluded too, and there actually is a side of me that has asked if I should be offended,  but I actually was never super-offended by that, because I have always felt that the Constitution was correct, and that that its application was constrained by the ignorance of the times (for all that The Enlightenment was a Revolution... still... baby steps...) but has (more or less) been rectified now. And, I guees, I have always been ok with the "Betsy Ross" flag representing me as an Ideal rather than the historical reality, which we have to admit fell short of the ideal.

But, there is also a gross irony that this flag which symbolized for Freedom, Equality, and Inalienable Rights for some people,  simultaneously meant the absolute opposite (slavery, humiliation, degradation, separation of families, loss of property, loss of identity...and even death) for others.  And, I can see how you feel about it could depend on how you and your family would have fared under it.

So... I can also totally see how people whose ancestors were actually *slaves* under this flag would not feel the same about it.  I can see how Native Americans also might view it in a different light.

And then...  I get even more angry at the White Supremacist groups  for recognizing that and preying on it in a way that creates more alienation for people who were historically disenfranchised... and more conflict in American society.
(And they are probably laughing their a**es off, that they are going to walk off with our flag and that Colin Kaepernick is bearing the brunt of the backlash.)

For the people who (as I do) see this flag, as representing an Ideal...  I would say... don't let White Supremacists pervert this flag.  Don't let them turn a symbol of Freedom into a symbol of Oppression.  And...  don't let them turn the symbol of American Unity into a  reason for us to pit one group against another, and to fight amongst ourselves.

E Pluribus Unum, y'all.
Happy Fourth of July.

Monday, July 1, 2019

SCOTUS and Constitutional Crisis - draft 1

I saw the below article this morning and... I just want to say that, when Kavanuagh is a "swing" vote...  we are heading into a serious Constitutional Crisis.

Hear me out here:
I am obviously fairly Progressive in my politics... I actually don't even want a Progressive Court... The Framers intended for the Supreme Court to be a check to disallow one party from developing a monopoly on power.  I don't love everything about those dudes, but... I think that they were right about this.

I think the Court should be non-partisan, but... in a two party system, that is probably impossible. So, I guess, the best we can hope for is to have a balanced Court. 

... when Republicans held the Senate and the House and refused to even hold hearings on Obama nominee...

...and then rushed Kavanaugh (who is slightly to the Right of the Kaiser) through just before midterms...

...holding hearings in such a stunningly opaque manner...

... and now we are reading articles discussing  Kavanaugh's "swing" vote without even a hint of irony in the tone...

Well... this has just turned into a very serious undermining of Constitutional intent.

Plus... RBG is 86 and Breyer is in his 80s, as well.  And Kavanaugh is a "swinger" now?

Checks and Balances, y'all. Checks and Balances.  No matter who is president at the moment...  We NEED "Checks and Balances."

And don't get me started on the extent to which the current itieration of the electoral college totally undermines the Framers' intentions.

(I actually would say the same thing about electoral maps. And Voter ID laws...  ...but I am about to start getting too anxious about the state of our Democracy, here, so I had better let it go ... )